Break Due to CFA Study

Readers have probably noticed my less than consistent posting for the last couple of weeks.  I'm afraid that this is only going to get worse for the next month and a half... I'm currently studying for the third CFA® Exam, and I have much more to do than I had hoped I would at this point.   I may or may not post again before the exam (June 7th,) and if I do it will probably be short.  Charles has agreed to pick up most of the slack in May, as he did last week. To those of you who...

About is a comprehensive web resource that is provided for visitors that are interested in investing in alternative energy companies. Alternative energy companies are companies that either directly produce, or provide components or services to producers of energy that utilize renewable resources. This site is edited and written by Mark Anderson. Mark has been in the Information Technology sector for over 20 years and has been hosting and running investment websites for over 10 years. He is an accomplished investor and stock trader and has recently turned his eye towards the Alternative Energy sector. The goal for...

Welcoming John L. Petersen To

As most of you noticed, John L. Petersen recently joined as a Contributing Editor. John brings a wealth of experience from years working as a corporate lawyer with growth-focused companies. His expertise in energy storage technologies has made him one of the best bloggers on this topic there is. We were thrilled to see how engaged you all got with his articles on long-range EVs and lithium-ion batteries, and we look forward to more top-quality material by John and insightful comments by you! For those who missed it, here is John's bio: John L. Petersen, Esq. is...

Exciting Changes at Alt Energy Stocks Website and Blog

I am pleased to announce that Alt Energy Stocks has changed ownership. Alt Energy Stocks was acquired from MDA Holdings by 2043835 Ontario Limited. Mark Anderson, the previous editor, did a great job of making Alt Energy Stocks a valuable resource for investors in alternative energy. Unfortunately, in the last few months, other commitments prevented Mark from putting in the in the time the website needed. And that is why the website has come under new hands. I, Brian Gomes, will be the new editor and blogger for Alt Energy Stocks and I am looking forward to making...


Dear Loyal Readers, We are exploring different options at generating revenue particularly during the effects of the Covid-19 shutdown. I'd like to keep on maintaining this website at at least the current level of 1-3 articles a month, and to do that, I've set up a Patreon page:, which will allow you to support my work for $5 or $10 a month. I'm still working out exactly what benefits to offer Patrons... I'll start with giving you a preview of articles before they are shown on the website, plus I'll respond directly questions from Patrons who sign up at the $10/month...

Canadian AltE Stocks; Presentation Up; A Favor to Ask

I spent most of May studying for the third CFA Exam, and did little writing.  I now feel prepared for the exam (which is this Saturday.) I expect to be posting regularly again the following week.  Until then, here are a few items I would have mentioned if I had not been focusing on studying. An Article: BC Business writer Jeannie Mitchell interviewed me early this spring for an in-depth article looking at Canadian Cleantech firms, published here. I own stock in three of the companies profiled: Xantrex (TSX:XTX or XARXF.PK), VRB Power (TSE:VRB.V or VRBPF.PK),...

Happy New Year!

The team would like to thank all of our readers for a great 2007 and wish you all a happy and prosperous 2008. Our New Year resolution is to continue delivering top-quality content that we hope you will find valuable. On behalf of Brian, Tom and myself, Happy New Year!!

A Welcome to Our New Editor: Tom Konrad

I am happy to announce that Tom Konrad has joined Alt Energy Stocks as an Editor. You may already be familiar with Tom's writing at EE/RE Investing and his professional services at Tom Konrad is an independent investment advisor and financial analyst specializing in renewable energy and energy efficiency companies. He has a Ph.D. in mathematics from Purdue University, and is a level II candidate for the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. He serves as Treasurer for both the Colorado Renewable Energy Society and Ratepayers United Colorado. In the short time Tom has been with us, he...

Who You Are

Results from our survey of readers. Thanks to everyone who participated in our reader survey last week.  Our randomly selected winner has been notified by email, and the book has been mailed.   Most valuable to us were the comments, and we appreciate the overwhelming encouragement from the vast majority of commenters.  But we're realistic enough to know we can always improve the reader experience. What You Said Here are a few ideas I plan to act on: Tom, the stocks that you cover range from solid established companies, to pie in the...

Welcome David Gold

Tom Konrad, Ph.D., CFA I first met David Gold when he agreed (at the last minute) to sit on a lunchtime panel about Financing Renewable Energy I organized for the Colorado CFA Society in April. When he emailed an announcement in September that he was starting Green Gold Blog, I immediately signed up, because I expected he'd have something interesting to say.   I also know that what's relevant for Venture Capitalists is often relevant for public investors.  For instance, doesn't his recent article on VC cleantech investment trends have some almost eerie similarities to my article about why...

A Note to Email Subscribers

On Monday, it came to my attention that's email list was not functioning properly, and and our morning emails had not gone out for over a week.  We have fixed the problem, email subscribers received an email containing all the articles we'd published since the the system stopped working.  Since this may have inundated many of our subscribers, I'd like to provide a quick summary of each of the articles to help you pick and choose the ones you'd like to go back and read: EVs, Batteries and Tales From The Valley of Death  John Petersen...

The Twelve Alternative Energy Months of 2007

For the holiday season, we at Alternative Energy Stocks are taking the opportunity to wrap up the year with musical review... In the twelve months of 2007, Alternative Energy Stocks gave to me,  Twelve(ish) transportation fuels compared,  Ten (and a Bonus) Insights into Greenhouse Gas Regulation, Ten Thouseand Cellulosic Miles per Acre,  Nine Solar applications,  Eight Barriers to Energy Efficiency,  Seven new developments in Geothermal Power,  Six weaknesses of number-crunching money managers,  Five Sustainable Companies for Gifts,  Four Ways to Avoid Being a Sucker,  Three Dictators to Bribe with Renewable Energy,  Two Independent Power Producers, And Cleantech...

RSS Feeds for CleanTech News and Alt Energy Stocks

In June, we launched CleanTech News which generates the top headlines in the cleantech world by automatically by scanning over 240 cleantech blogs and news sources. Today we are launching an RSS feed for CleanTech News. The aim of this feed is to allow you to track what is happening in the cleantech world through a single feed. Tom and Charles have been using the CleanTech News feed for some time and they have also been providing feedback which has been used to improve the application that generates CleanTech News. Both Tom and Charles, who are voraciaous consumers...

A Late Welcome to Our New Editors

This post is long overdue. In my first post at Alt Energy Stocks a couple of months ago, I mentioned that I would be looking to bring on other editors to help deliver high quality content. I am happy to give you this (belated) announcement that Charles Morand has become the Editor-in-Chief for the site and Neal Dikeman has joined us as a Contributing Editor. About Charles Morand Charles Morand is someone whose passion and hobby is alternative energy, clean tech and carbon trading. Charles is a big picture thinker who provides not only news and perspectives,...

New Authentication for Comments

Due to an ever-increasing flood of comment spam, has changed how the comments work.  If you would like to comment in the future, you will need to register with an email address, or OpenID.  Most likely you are familiar with this procedure from other blogs.  After you've first registered, you will be able to sign in and comment. One other change is that comments will now appear immediately, and you will no longer have to wait for us to manually approve your comments.  Feel free to test this procedure in the comments on this entry.  If you...

New Email Service & Cleantech News

Email Updates: Finally! A quick note to inform our readers that has recently implemented an email service for the blog part of the website. To receive email updates when new articles are posted, simply scroll down to 'Subscribe to this Blog' on the right-hand side on the homepage and enter your email address in the appropriate field. We will not share your email address with any third party, nor will we use it to send you anything more than updates. This is something many of you have asked about in the past so we are thrilled...
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