Exciting Changes at Alt Energy Stocks Website and Blog

I am pleased to announce that Alt Energy Stocks has changed ownership. Alt Energy Stocks was acquired from MDA Holdings by 2043835 Ontario Limited. Mark Anderson, the previous editor, did a great job of making Alt Energy Stocks a valuable resource for investors in alternative energy. Unfortunately, in the last few months, other commitments prevented Mark from putting in the in the time the website needed. And that is why the website has come under new hands. I, Brian Gomes, will be the new editor and blogger for Alt Energy Stocks and I am looking forward to making...


AltEnergyStocks.com is a comprehensive web resource that is provided for visitors that are interested in investing in alternative energy companies. Alternative energy companies are companies that either directly produce, or provide components or services to producers of energy that utilize renewable resources. This site is edited and written by Mark Anderson. Mark has been in the Information Technology sector for over 20 years and has been hosting and running investment websites for over 10 years. He is an accomplished investor and stock trader and has recently turned his eye towards the Alternative Energy sector. The goal for...

Questions from Readers

Many readers write me with questions relating to my articles.  At first, I would respond directly, but eventually the calls on my time became too great.  I instituted a policy: I would respond to comments on the blog, but would redirect people emailing me to put there comments there, allowing me to answer many readers' questions at the same time. In that spirit, here are some recent questions from readers others may find useful as well. Questions about My Reasoning: Why are so many greens against Fuel Cell Vehicles? (On 10 Most Blogged Cleantech Stories of 2007) ...

Getting to Know AltEnergyStocks.com Readers

In order to improve AltEnergyStocks.com, we're trying to get to know our readers better. We've put together a short survey, and in order to make it worth your time to tell us about yourself and how we can improve the site, we're offering an incentive.  One respondent will win a copy of Investment Opportunities for a Low Carbon World, of which Charles has reviewed the Wind and Solar and Efficiency and Geothermal chapters so far. Please take a few minutes to complete our short reader survey. Thanks! The AltEnergyStocks.com Team Note: This contest will end when we...

Featured Company Advertising Now Available for Alternative Energy and Clean Tech Companies

I am pleased to announce that we are now offering "Featured Company" advertising for companies who would like to deliver their message to our website visitors. Featured company advertising is described in detail on our advertising page. Here is a summary of the service. A Featured Company will get a listing on our featured company page . This listing will include a business description which will have website links as well as contact information including investor relations contacts. At the top right of corner of every content page on our site, the featured company will also get a...

The Twelve Alternative Energy Months of 2007

For the holiday season, we at Alternative Energy Stocks are taking the opportunity to wrap up the year with musical review... In the twelve months of 2007, Alternative Energy Stocks gave to me,  Twelve(ish) transportation fuels compared,  Ten (and a Bonus) Insights into Greenhouse Gas Regulation, Ten Thouseand Cellulosic Miles per Acre,  Nine Solar applications,  Eight Barriers to Energy Efficiency,  Seven new developments in Geothermal Power,  Six weaknesses of number-crunching money managers,  Five Sustainable Companies for Gifts,  Four Ways to Avoid Being a Sucker,  Three Dictators to Bribe with Renewable Energy,  Two Independent Power Producers, And Cleantech...

Happy New Year!

The AltEnergyStocks.com team would like to thank all of our readers for a great 2007 and wish you all a happy and prosperous 2008. Our New Year resolution is to continue delivering top-quality content that we hope you will find valuable. On behalf of Brian, Tom and myself, Happy New Year!!

The Launch of CleanTech News

I am very pleased to announce the launch of cleantech news which is the first phase of an ambitious plan to create a cleantech information community. The cleantech news page consists of news items that are generated automatically by scanning over 200 cleantech blogs and news sources. The algorithm that is used to establish relevance and determine ranking currently takes three main criteria into account: 1) what other bloggers are saying about a news item, 2) how users across the Internet prefer a news item (which we call 'social popularity'), 3) the 'freshness' or age of the article....


Dear Loyal Readers, We are exploring different options at generating revenue particularly during the effects of the Covid-19 shutdown. I'd like to keep on maintaining this website at at least the current level of 1-3 articles a month, and to do that, I've set up a Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/tomkonrad, which will allow you to support my work for $5 or $10 a month. I'm still working out exactly what benefits to offer Patrons... I'll start with giving you a preview of articles before they are shown on the website, plus I'll respond directly questions from Patrons who sign up at the $10/month...
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