Featured Company Advertising Now Available for Alternative Energy and Clean Tech Companies

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I am pleased to announce that we are now offering “Featured Company” advertising for companies who would like to deliver their message to our website visitors. Featured company advertising is described in detail on our advertising page. Here is a summary of the service. A Featured Company will get a listing on our featured company page . This listing will include a business description which will have website links as well as contact information including investor relations contacts. At the top right of corner of every content page on our site, the featured company will also get a link to their website. A featured company will have the option to provide us with material that will be posted to our website as a “special information supplement”. One special information supplement is granted for each 3-month period of advertising. A featured company will also have the option of having one of our editors conduct an email interview with company executives. The interview will be posted to our blog and it is intended to help communicate the company’s message and progress. One interview will be granted at sign up, followed by one interview with every six months of advertising. We are only accepting companies that relate to alternative energy, clean tech, or investing. This will ensure that advertising is pertinent to our readers and this will also make the advertising most effective. Featured Company advertising is sold on a fixed-rate, flat monthly fee. This makes it easier for advertisers and for us as there is no need to keep track of ‘page impressions’ or worry about ‘invalid clicks’. Advertising rates at the launch of this service are being offered at a discounted rate and this is a great opportunity to take advantage of these ‘charter rates’. To sign up as a featured company or for more information including current pricing, please contact me as follows: brian @ altenergystocks.com Phone: 905-456-8442 We believe this a great way to allow companies to deliver their message to our visitors without compromising the integrity of our site. Advertising dollars will help us to put money back into the site to add features and deliver quality content. We welcome all comments and questions.


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